How we have good vibes?

Good vibes is a slang phrase for the positive feelings given off by a person, place, or situation.

In simple word, it’s an emotion that radiates positive feelings in the body. There is always room to discuss good and bad vibes. Bad vibes give birth to negative emotion or place.

Why we often visit to temple, Gurudwara and church?

Of course, these places have a positive aroma that channelises mind with positive vibrations. And other ways to bring optimist thoughts are given below-

1.By reading self-help books

2. Expression of thanks, praise or gratitude

3. Enchanting prayers in the morning

4. Being kind to poor or needy people

5.Meeting a kind person in a day

6. Living at some calm space

The good vibes never end because it comes in a full power package of positivity. Now, lets look inside of the human mind to activate good vibes.

1. Make reading a habit

‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’, the famous saying. We often choose books having an attractive cover page. Reading is something that glides your soul to another land. Or it looks like watching a movie or being part of the story. Book lovers are always in search to read, collect a collection of wonderful books. But those, who are not in reading find it boring. Especially for that person reading a book is not their cup of tea. Still, reading can help us in many ways. Reading great books teach us a lesson and give a correct framework to live life at fullest.

2. Hobby time

Engaging time in hobbies makes us feel good. Hobbies like dancing, writing, listening to music, painting or playing any sports games break the vicious cycle of thoughts. Indulging in activities of interest give us peace of mind. It also serves to prohibit overthinking as it’s a dangerous habit. You can call hobby time as a ‘Me time’. Don’t you think it’s important to spare some time for yourself?

Yes, of course, it’s needed for a change of mind.

3. Exercise three-four days a week

You are not ought to drain your body and mind by extensive training. Pull up your sleeves to refresh your brain from toxic thoughts not to pump heart with cardio. It has become a trend to stay fit and people work hard to attain fitness. I am not saying it’s bad for your health.

Exercising release good hormones like dopamine is released during work out. Yoga, cycling or walking helps to make us feel happy for body and soul. If you exercise 3 times a week for 45 minutes, you can help prevent signs of ageing.

4. Quality time with nature

The most underrated activity is spending quality time with nature. We fail to recognise the need for sitting for an hour in sunlight. Sunlight provides an ample amount of Vitamin D for the body. Nature is a natural beauty that stimulates a positive attitude towards life. We can learn many things from nature. These living components work incredibly to sustain a balance between nature and humans. Gardening improvises stress level because it includes the release of serotonin.

5. Self-talk with the mind-

The mind is the embodiment of thoughts. Studies say that every 60 seconds mind deliver thoughts. It’s like a never-ending flow. Communicating with mind is an ongoing and continuous process. It involves self- analyses of our day to day thoughts. Unless and until we are free from past thoughts, nothing could soothe our mind. Self- talk helps to assess daily thoughts and activities. We know ourselves best so we need to purify our thoughts without any filters. Positive, thrive talk can mitigate dysfunctional mental states and cultivate healthier states of mind.

If you waste your whole day in unproductive activity, please admit it. To realise where we stand wrong, first, we need to admit our mistakes.

6. Plan small trips

Organise small trips that make you feel energetic. Watching a sunset, dancing in rain or night out creates a positive & healthy environment. Explore the cities, streets and taste delicious cuisines of various cities. Treat your day without any worry of consuming extra calories. Remember, nothing is permanent in the World. Refresh your mind and body with wholesome of madness during trips.


Good vibes are like antidotes for a sick mind. Mind and body always demand change. Practice these activities and see the desired change.

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